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Notice on CPPCC Group Meetings Open to the Journalists from Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and Foreign Countries

中国政协网    日期:2012-03-04    来源:中国政协网
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15:00 pm, March 5, 2012

Topic: Report on the Work of the Government
Groups to open and Venues:
(1)Beijing International Hotel
    The Revolutionary Committee of the Chinese Kuomingtang (3rd & 4th Group); The China Zhi Gong Party

    (11th Group); The All-China Federation of Taiwan Compatriots (24th Group); The All-China Federation of Returned

    Overseas Chinese (25th Group); Social sciences Circles (32nd & 33rd Group)
(2)Beijing Conference Center
    The Chinese Peasants and Workers Democratic Party (10th Group); The Jiu San Society (12th Group); Economics

    Circles (34th , 35th , 36th & 37th Group); Education Circles (40th , 41st & 42nd Group); Sports Circles (43rd Group);

    Medicine and health Circles (45th & 46th Group)
(3)Hotel Pullman Beijing West Wanda
    The China Democratic National Construction Association (7th Group)
(4)Beijing Railway Hotel
    The All-China Youth Federation & The Communist Youth League of China (16th Group); The All-China Women’s

    Federation (20th Group)
(5)Jian Yin Hotel
    Science and technology Circles (31st Group)
(6)Grand Hotel Beijing
    Specially invited figures from Hong Kong (52nd & 53rd Group); Specially invited figures from Macao (54th Group)

Press Group, Secretariat of
The 5th Session of the 11th CPPCC
March 4, 2012