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Press Conference of the 5th Session of The 11th CPPCC National
Committee on March 6, 2012

中国政协网    日期:2012-03-05    来源:中国政协网
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The press conference themed “Maintain Stability While Making Progress and Promote Economic and Social Scientific Development ” is to be held at 3 pm, March 6, 2012 at Briefing Room on 1st floor of the Great Hall of the People. CPPCC Members Li Yining (Vice Chairman, The Committee of Economic Affairs, CPPCC National Committee), Xu Shanda (Former Vice  Administrator of the State Administration of Taxation), Chen Xiwen (Deputy Director of the Office of Central Financial Work Leading Group, Director of the Office of Central Rural Work Leading Group), Ma Xiuhong (Vice Chairwoman, Foreign Affairs Committee of CPPCC National Committee and former Vice Minister of Commerce), Yang Kaisheng (President, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China) and Ren Hongbin (President, China National Machinery Industry Corporation) will take questions from journalists.



Press Group, Secretariat

The 5th Session of the 11th CPPCC National Committee