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CPPCC Press Conference

中国政协网    日期:2012-03-07    来源:中国政协网
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Time: 16:15-17:30 March 7, 2012

Venue: Multifunctional Room, 2nd Floor, Media Center

Topic: Construction and Management of Low-income Urban Housing

CPPCC Members:

Liu Kegu        of economic circles, former vice president of China Development Bank, president of China Microfinance Institutions Association

Yang Chao     of economics circles, former chairman of China Life Insurance Company Limited

Li Daokui       of personages without party affiliation, Director of Financial Department, School of Economics and Management of Tsinghua University

Li Guorui       of All-China Federation of Trade Unions, former Chairman of China Railway Construction Corporation

Zhang Hongming      of social sciences circles, former director of Research Center of City and Real Estate, Shanghai Academy of Social Science



Press Group, Secretariat of

The 5th Session of the 11th CPPCC National Committee

March 6, 2012